viernes, 30 de enero de 2009


What is a Spontaneous Abortion? A spontaneous abortion is a pregnancy that ends abruptly before the 20th week of it. This occurs before the fetus (growing baby) can survive outside the womb. During a spontaneous abortion, the fetus, the placenta and amniotic sac of fluid surrounding the fetus is expelled through the uterus - sometimes, not all of them completely expelled. Factors Causing a Spontaneous Abortion A spontaneous abortion could occur because the fetus was not developing properly, or because the placenta (the tissue that connects the baby growing inside the uterus) were not sufficiently linked to it. In several cases, however, the cause is unknown. Spontaneous abortions are fairly common and occur in approximately 15-20% of all pregnancies. Moreover, the fact of suffering a spontaneous abortion does not mean you can not enjoy a safe and normal pregnancy in the future. Risk Factors There are several risk factors that are believed to somehow increase the risk of suffering a spontaneous abortion: • Food poor. • smoking. • Insificiencia hormone, or hormonal imbalance. • Presence of some kind of infection, such as rubella, bacterial vaginosis, chlamydia and other sexually transmitted infection. • chronic health problems, including: lupus, congenital heart disease, severe kidney disease, diabetes, or thyroid diseases. • Exposure to large doses of radiation. • Drug, which could harm the fetus. • High fever. • have an IUD put in the time of conception. • uterine malformation, or presence of large uterine fibroids. The good news is that most of the risk factors listed above, once identified, can usually be eliminated or controlled. Normal Signs of Pregnancy It is important to remember that each cramp, pain, or formation of blood clots are not necessarily signs denoting the possible development of a spontaneous abortion. Signs of a normal pregnancy that would not necessarily be indicative of the imminence of a spontaneous abortion include: • mild cramps, body aches or feeling of tension in one side of the abdomen. This is normal, unless any of them were accompanied by bleeding or cramps were severe and constant. • Manchado minor before or after the time when we should have your period. This is normal, and is known as implantation bleeding, and do not necessarily indicate the presence of a problem with her pregnancy, provided they were not accompanied by abdominal pain in the low. Bleeding occurred during the implementation process, are usually pink or brownish color. • The soft pink bleeding occurred after sexual relations are common and usually are not indicative of the presence of any problem, unless the flow was bleeding or was accompanied by cramps. When should I call a Doctor Bleeding or bleeding during pregnancy always cause alarm in the pregnant woman, since this is one of the signs of a spontaneous abortion. The following symptoms and types of bleeding could be signs of an impending spontaneous abortion. You should call up your doctor and seek medical attention if you experience any of these symptoms: • vaginal bleeding bleeding stronger than that of a normal period, which lasted more than 2 weeks. • vaginal bleeding and exceeds that penetrate a thick pad, or more than a pad in one hour. • vaginal bleeding accompanied by large blood clots (the size of a walnut, or even larger.). • cramps that were worse or last more than 2 days. • Download or stream nauseating smell coming from her vagina. • Colds or fever (temperatures above 38 degrees C or 100.4 degrees F or even higher.). • vaginal bleeding, similar to that of a menstrual period, which could last up to a week after he suffered a spontaneous abortion, with clear color-bleeding known as vaginal bleeding ligero', which could occur during a short period of time after all this process. If you were to suffer one or all of these symptoms, remember to make sure to inform them immediately to your doctor. If your symptoms are severe enough or his doctor was not available, you should call 911 or EMS service, or should go immediately to an emergency room near the place where he resides. After recovering a Spontaneous Abortion • The normal periods should recover after a period of 3-6 weeks. • Use sanitary towels or intimate place to hold the tampon vaginal bleeding. You can use tampons during your next period. • Do not use douches. • Do not swim in pools or wash with hot water immersion. • Take a shower, instead of becoming bathing. • Do not have sex. • You may experience some pain in the lower abdomen, similar to the pain caused by cramps of each menstrual period. The pain could last up to 2 days after he suffered a spontaneous abortion. Talk to your doctor if the pain persists or if you can not control it. • Presence of pain and discomfort in the chest. • dilation and curettage. This procedure is carried out if the fetus and / or own any of the tissues of pregnancy (placenta, amniotic fluid bag) remain inside the uterus. If the fetus or other tissue remains inside the uterus, could cause severe bleeding or infection. • The daily activities could be resumed after he suffered a spontaneous abortion, as soon as you feel strong and ready for this. Ask your doctor specific instructions related to vigorous exercise or strenuous. Conceiving a baby after he suffered a Spontaneous Abortion It is highly recommended that you wait until you've had at least 1 normal menstrual period after suffering a spontaneous abortion, before trying to get pregnant again. This will give your uterus and your body long enough to be able to recover fully. Link Recommended Stories About Pregnancy: If you need to find a way to express their feelings after having had a spontaneous abortion, while at the same time could help other women who are going through the same experience, then you should visit this site. A place where women can write and publish their own experiences, and where their personal story could help other women who were passing by the loss of a pregnancy would realize that they are not alone during this hard time in their lives . Each time increases the number of abortions among adolescents in developed countries. Many children see a solution to the abortion problem that afflicts at that time, but abortion is not the actual output to the problem. Andalusia abortion, part of you is dying and the psychological consequences are difficult to heal. The positions are correct sexual abstinence, the use of contraceptive methods and in the case of pregnant posture human life should be about. It should be noted that there are different types of abortion and that their characteristics are specific to each stage of pregnancy. Spontaneous abortion Is one that occurs before 20 weeks of pregnancy and where there is a loss of the fetus. There are studies that look at a 20% chance of spontaneous abortion for any woman. One of the symptoms can be a pain in the belly. You can also submit an excessive bleeding and cramps in the lower abdomen. These symptoms are a sign that the pregnancy is not developing in a normal way. The causes may vary, however, that a woman had spontaneous abortions, does not mean you can not have children. It is advisable to visit a specialist to diagnose and identify a specific treatment for each case. Abortion or voluntary interruption of pregnancy Is that which is produced under the supervision and medical intervention. It is a decision that takes the couple and is done voluntarily. Usually a very complicated and often difficult decision to make because there are several factors that influence what to do: physical, psychological risks, social and legal aspects. Abortion is a very difficult moment for the couple and especially for women. It is very possible that there will be a great depression in the subject. After the termination of guilt may arise, and everything related to babies and dates alleged that there should be born baby, birthday, etc ... will tend to entristecerla further. At the moment there are two procedures: surgery and the abortion pill that, very recently, has started marketing in Spain. 1. Surgery. The technique varies depending on the time of pregnancy. Until 12 weeks, the technique used is the aspiration, and is performed under local anesthesia. Introducing a plastic tube through the cervix. Meanwhile, the other end of the tube is connected to a machine that takes the contents of the uterus. Using this technique is the dismemberment of the fetus. Studies show that the fetus fleeing the cannula and delivers moans when being dismembered. The intervention did not last long and after a few hours, the girl can go home. Sometimes, if there is any remaining inside the matrix is a curettage or scraping. 12 to 16 weeks, a curettage was performed with general anesthesia. Is a dilation of the cervix and scraping the contents of the uterus using an instrument called Legras. Requires a night of hospitalization. Over 16 weeks, the method is induction. Some drugs are caused by contractions of the uterus, forcing him to remove the content. Extended hours and usually does not use general anesthesia, but a sedative. After the operation, women should be paid two or three days. 2. The Pill It is fashionable because it is new, but is not much use of it. In fact, in Spain, it seems that its success is relative, since the process leading to end abortion is very complex and traumatic. Many people think that this is taking a pill and the woman goes to her house, but it is not. Actually there are three jacks: take three tablets in a first visit and 48 hours after the woman has to return to the clinic to take another dose, which will be made to expel the contents of the uterus. The woman will remain under observation at the clinic for a few hours, to encourage there to be deportation. These past hours, if there has been removal of the contents of the uterus, the woman left, taking her to live on their own expulsion. This is really hard. Then go back to the clinic to get a scan and verify that it has not been anything in the womb, we would have to perform a curettage. As you can see, the process is much slower and more women will suffer throughout the process. • On the UN general • What happened to the United Nations? • The celebration of the 50th anniversary of the publication of the Human Rights cause a serious concern. • The UN gives new impetus to the campaign abortion "safe motherhood". • The owner of the CNN donates millions of dollars to the UN to promote contraception and abortion among teenagers. • Data on the UN loose. • UN Conference • United Nations Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women • The plot against the life and family in Cairo. • The Forum of Mar del Plata. • The Beijing betrayed women. • The Copenhagen Conference and the "development" social. • From Cairo to Beijing via Copenhagen: How the UN promotes campaigns antinatalistas. • Habitat II: New deception of the UN. • United Nations Forum in The Hague is a threat to humanity • Some of the Latin American conference of the UN. • Promoters of abortion impose their ideology on antivir reunion of the UN (Cairo +5). • The UN and some special topics • The new population control and global racism. • How the UN redefines family • The UN opens doors to international organization of homosexuals and pedophiles sadomasochists. • alert governments about treaty on women's rights. • Did the Clinton administration tries to "legalize" the reunion of prostitution in the UN? • Your plans for your children (fragment). (On the "education" sexually immoral.) • The "reproductive rights" and their interpretations: A cause that is promoted at the UN • The culture of death in general • Groups of radicals and the "New Era" will meet at the UN to create a world religion • Religious and spiritual leaders come together to form a council to advise the UN • Pro Life Activists hosting a cautious optimism about the new International Criminal Court • UN agencies • Population Fund (UNFPA and UNFPA) or UNFPA and the population control program in China. o The policy of one child per family in China. The government mistreats women. Avanza and population control in refugee camps. Milosevic and UNFPA or unite against the Kosovars. or Microsoft also supports population control. Human rights and the Population Fund and United Nations • Children's Fund (UNICEF) or UNICEF, and population control. or UNICEF to protect children, not stop coming to the world. Clinton proabortista or recommended to lead UNICEF. o The International Convention of the United Nations on behalf of children? Wrong!! o The new International Convention on the Rights of the Child is a threat to the family in the United States and worldwide. Data on the loose, or UNICEF. UNICEF intends to use or to the Catholic Church • World Health Organization (WHO) Data on single or WHO. Report on or experimentation with the vaccine pregnancy. WHO or promoting abortion • Organization for Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Data on single or UNESCO. • International Criminal Court (ICC) Proabortistas or promote the criminalization of "forced". o The new International Criminal Court not explicitly protects the family. • World Bank o The World Bank put a price on the lives of unborn children. • The teaching of the Catholic Church on the United Nations • Message of the Fourth Latin American Bishops Conference of the United Nations. • The Catholic Church defends humanity in Cairo. • Statement by Mrs. Mary Ann Glendon, Head of the Delegation of the Holy See on the Beijing Conference. • The Delegation of the Vatican decides on the outcome of the summit in Beijing. • Press release from the Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See on its decision not to contribute to UNICEF in 1997. • Newsletter of the UN • News about the United Nations • Drafts of the Millennium Summit shows the intentions of the UN to increase its power and influence in the world • Continue to grow the campaign to support the presence of the Vatican at the UN • inaccurate reports on the Millennium Summit causing fears exaggerated • International Leaders will meet near the UN to promote a "world government" • Leader of the Population Fund addressed the UN charged with anger and bitterness • The Canadian government and an official of the UN to attack pro-life groups • Possible proabortistas in the defeat of the major UN meeting • Continuing problems in the campaign against the Holy See at the UN • Alarming secret meetings at the UN: Proposed access to abortion for girls 10 years and forcing doctors to practice Pro Life abortion • Certain Latin American countries offer false "reproductive rights" in Beijing +5 • Protestant and Islamic support to the Vatican at the UN • Campaign to support the Vatican at the UN more than 2,000 organizations • UN News (318): "USA: The Senate rejected the UN Convention on Women (CEDAW)" • Two documents extremists are moving towards the UN General Assembly • The UN seeks to muzzle pro-life organizations • Activists in favor of the family cause impact Beijing +5 conference of the UN • stagnating Prepcom Beijing +5 UN Interim reunion planning, abuse of Pro Life • Catholics, Protestants, Mormons, Jews and Muslims to defend the Vatican proabortistas • United Nations (UN) conditions its aid to Nicaragua to the acceptance of abortion • Danger to life at the International Criminal Court • The UN contradicts itself in terms of world population • The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child calls for abortion to babies who suffer malformations • The Center for Reproductive Law and Policy uses the UN to promote abortion • Powerful NGOs are prepared to exert pressure in an ominous UN • proabortista campaign to expel the Vatican from the UN • The new International Criminal Court explicitly protects NO family • Do alert Beijing +5: We need you in New York from 6 to March 17! • Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) who alerted the family about the dangers of Beijing +5 and proposed "World Day of unborn children" • UNICEF: War unreported against women and children • Did the Clinton administration tries to "legalize" the reunion of prostitution in the UN? • The owner of the CNN donates millions of dollars to the UN to promote contraception and abortion among teenagers • Important UNFPA staff appears to have lied to the drafters of the new Venezuelan constitution in relation to abortion • Genocide in the name of "family planning": The United Nations Population Fund UN bribes gynecologist in Kosovo • to take lightly the high mortality due to AIDS in Africa reunion of the United Nations (UN) • Population Fund said that the United Nations carried out secret operations during the war in Kosovo • Honduras suffers attack the United Nations • Increased coverage on the fear of demographic implosion • UN News • Organizations proabortistas want to expel the Vatican from the UN • UN Commission on Human Rights • Intervention by the Holy See at the preparatory meeting for the Cairo +5 • Sources Vaticanas denounce the treatment offered by the UN refugee • The Vatican defends life and the family reunion in the UN • Group proabortista not want the Vatican to participate in UN conferences • The UN held a forum to promote population control and abortion • United Nations - is about the follow-up meeting to the Cairo Conference, where he attempted to abortion as "international law". • United Nations - the world of entertainment personalities promote condoms among youth. • United Nations - The celebration of the 50th anniversary of the publication of the Human Rights cause a serious concern. • UN: alarming decline in global population. • Some future and significant United Nations meetings • The Earth Charter promotes pantheism UN universal and denigrates Judaism, Christianity and Islam. • The Islamic conference yields to pressure from the UN • United Nations: Excluding parents, reaffirms its commitment to extend services to youth reproductive health incluyene abortion. • UN: More about the new human rights • USA: It could lose its vote at the general assembly of the United Nations • Declaration of Human Rights Defenders "will be adopted by the Economic and Social Council of the UN • Cut crimial International: Decisive Days • End the conference for the International Criminal Court • The Economist: On the International Criminal Court • The United States seeks to restrict the international court • UN: Tell me who you're with, and I'll tell you who you are. • New attack on the UN to the rights of parents. See the ghost of Cairo • Article from The Observer of London, on the treatment of refugees by the United Nations • Representative Republican plan complained of "Reproductive Health for Refugees" • Session number 42 of the Commission on the Status of Women at UN • repudiated UN official in Honduras

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